
Deserting a Sinking Ship: Gingrich's Entire Iowa Campaign Staff Resigns

Claire6/09/2011 3:22:33 pm PDT

re: #190 freetoken

Speaking of GOP candidates, Rolling Stone asks the difficult question:

Take the Bachmann-Palin Challenge: Can You Tell Them Apart?

They misquoted Palin big-time about evolution. She was asked about Evolution, not Creationism.

“Oh, I think [Creationism] should be taught as an accepted principle… It should be taught in our schools. And I won’t ever deny that I see the hand of God in this beautiful creation that is Earth, especially coming from one of the most beautiful states in the Union and traveling around this country also in this last month… the beauty that is this Earth, I see the hand of God in that.”

No, in the source, she is saying “it” (evolution) should be taught, not creationism. I remember this from her book:


Couric: Do you believe evolution should be taught as an accepted scientific principle or one of several theories?

Palin: Oh, I think it should be taught as an accepted principle. And, you know, I say that also as the daughter of a school teacher, a science teacher, who has really instilled in me a respect for science. It should be taught in our schools.

Does anyone care. Nope. Am I gonna hear a barrage about fruit flys and gays now? Probably, lol.