
Pamela Geller Cites Holocaust Denial Group as Source for Attack on ADL

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce4/16/2013 8:59:19 am PDT

re: #258 HappyWarrior

Alex Jones did it not even a couple hours after the bombing happened. I hate that shit. I really do. It’s like everything has to be a sinister conspiracy with him and people like him.

Nothing is ever NOT a conspiracy for him. Nothing.

Jones then followed up on his tweet and expanded on his theories in a special webcast dedicated to the false flag conspiracy, claiming, “You saw them stage Fast and Furious. Folks, they staged Aurora, they staged Sandy Hook. The evidence is just overwhelming. And that’s why I’m so desperate and freaked out. This is not fun, you know, getting up here telling you this. Somebody’s got to tell you the truth.”

Jones’ Infowars site has not just one but two perma-links on RWNJ bullshit beacon Druge Report, incidentally.