
Superb Owl Open Thread

Pawn of the Oppressor2/07/2016 6:46:14 pm PST

re: #244 freetoken

Your post is humorous… until one realizes what you’re saying - CCJ is going to reproduce.

I’m tellin’ y’all, he’s going to get away with everything. He’s going to weasel out of every heinous thing he’s done because he’s too poor to be of consequence, and not worth the effort or consequences for anybody he’s made mad enough to even the score. He’s got a knack for skating by. Professional troll. It’s in his brain structure. He is, again, living proof that there is no god.

Unless one of his lawsuit opponents makes a conscious effort to destroy him financially or ensure that punishments are applied equally, he’s going to be with us for decades. Once he clears this lawsuit business and grows enough brains to find a niche in the right-wing welfare state, he’s going to keep on groovin’, unless society changes in a way he can’t match. He is one of the next generation of wingnut shitheads.

Maybe we get lucky and find a way to strangle these demon babies in their cribs*, but until information sharing services grow some standards, we’re stuck with these assholes.

*metaphor for careers as “commentators” or whatever they call themselves. I’m not advocating literal murder, obviously