
Yet Another Bogus Story About Clinton's "Email Scandal" Collapses

Blind Frog Belly White4/01/2016 5:51:30 pm PDT

re: #264 calochortus

Like it makes up for the increase in aches and pains…
The part I hate is the stupid repetitive stress injuries that don’t show up for several hours after you’ve done stuff.
Note to my body: If I can’t tell it’s happening at the time, I can’t quit doing it.

What gets me is the aches and pains that show up, hang around for a while, and then go away. The problem is ‘a while’ means MONTHS! E.g. my right wrist has DeQuervain’s Tendonitis. Started bothering me 6 months ago. Reached a peak around about January. Bugged me all through January and February. The last month, it’s been fading out. No idea what caused it. No idea why it’s going away.