
Wunderkind Jacob Collier's First Video From His Debut Album Is Insanely Great

ObserverArt4/03/2016 8:48:50 am PDT

re: #231 451_Montag

I’m starting g to really hate the idea that is independent. I prefer the idea that he is simply selfish.

26 voting on the basis of what is best for himself. Never had to compromise for the sake of a shared party vision for America. Never had to work with others to get a workable policy, just this is what I want and I’ll vote for whatever will do me the most good in Vermont.

So easy to vote when you are in an uncontested seat. Never having to pay for making a decision that your smallish pool of voters wouldn’t like, for the greater good.

Guns kill more people than “terrorists”, but continually vote for the NRA. Way to make a difference there Bernie. Could easily stand up and say sorry Vermont, gun control is better for the people, but not won’t go there. Selfish.

Seriously, this rumpled out socialist professor , on the side of the people is really starting to look an act every bit as false as Trump.

Like or or loathe her Hillary has actually done the grunt work, trying to get stuff passed. Name your cliche… Putting her head above the parapet, in the trenches, at the chalk face. So what if she hasn’t won every thing. At least she tried. And she has spent the last 40 years taking lumps for trying.

Her reward now? So called democrats reusing tired old republican attacks. Some reward

Minor rant mode off

It was a good rant. We are learning a lot about Bernie.