
Donald Trump Removes the Judicial Branch From the "Our Government" Section of the White House Website

Lupin1/30/2017 4:33:13 am PST

re: #255 Targetpractice

I can’t begin to guess what the political situation in Britain is with regards to this petition, but I can imagine it won’t make May’s life any easier if it’s debated and passed. Trump is liable to lash out in a blind rage, and that will possibly mean damaging or even ending the embryonic US/UK trade agreement. Without that, Brexit continues to be a very bitter pill for her to force the nation to swallow, as the EU has made it clear that they won’t be giving Britain any favorable treatment to prevent other nations from considering their own exits.

I can speak to some this; we have a lot of British expats in my (reminder: Southern French) village.

The Muslim Ban only added to a SNAFU situation in the UK. Labor is torn over Corbyn’s instruction to vote for art. 50. While everyone expected the Supreme Court to confirm an Act of Parliament was needed, no one quite expected the slap in the face to the Scot and welsh “devolved” parliaments. The Scots are up in arms and even the Welsh are fuming.

May expected her Washington trip to be a feather in her crown; now it’s turned into PR and ethics nightmare; add to this Trump’s “f*ck off” to Boris Johnson (when asking for exemptions) hasn’t helped.

On the EU side, the “F*ck-the-UK” side is gathering strength to the point that the Italians (who were for a soft brexit) are publicly declaring themselves concerned.