
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

Walter L. Newton2/12/2009 4:40:57 pm PST

re: #257 jcm

Zero Tolerance madness. A prop gun is not a gun. A paper cut out of a gun is not a gun. GI Joe’s 4 inch plastic gun is not a gun. Can we get our tax money back for the fake education?

I think I just found my golden unicorn. I’ve always wanted to find some way to take some of the wasted money the libs always seem to have ready to hand out to “worthy” causes.

I announce, here tonight, on LGF, my campaign to replace all drill team prop rifles with stalks of Pampa Grass.

You can click on my name, and on my website, you will see my email address. Clip and paste that email address and go over to PayPal and deposit some money in my account.

Since I just thought this up, I will have to tell you later what benefits you will get from joining me, but, you can be sure it will be green.