
Palin Says It's Time to Crack Down on Iraq

Ben Hur11/19/2009 1:07:27 pm PST

re: #237 marjoriemoon

And so, in hindsight, was it wise of Reagan then to arm them? He did so to fight the Russians.

Was it wise to support Castro? Was it wise to push up Hussein as VP, in what.. 1979?

All answers in hindsight are NO. Hindsight is always 20/20 isn’t it.

I got really mad for those who blame 9/11 on Clinton.

forgetting a little thing called the COLD WAR as usual.

CLinton ushered in the “there’s nothing wrong in the world” period now that the COLD WAR is over.

and Yes the “revenge on the CIA” wall between them and the FBI was done on Clintons watch.

Bush was Prez for 9 months before 9/11 so I can see how 8 years of Clinton, after all those bombings and proclamations of war had nothing to do with his administration.

Responsibility though, ALL OF IT, lays with the terrorists.
(and Saudi Arabia)