
Shocka! Glenn Beck Says Geert Wilders is 'Far Right', and the Far Right is 'Fascist'

Aye Pod3/08/2010 6:49:12 pm PST
White Supremacist Terrorists caught

Brett, March 8th 2010, 6:20 pm

A father and son team are in court facing charges of preparing to commit acts of terrorism.

Let’s hope these scum are put away for a long time. Let’s not hear any nonsense about The Anarchist’s Handbook being freely available online or other excuses frequently made for terrorist plotters.

I am very pleased – not to mention relieved – that our security services are on the ball, are not daunted, distracted or dissuaded by politics, press or public relations and are raiding the lairs of far-right terrorists regardless of colour or creed.