
Creationist "Ark Park" on the verge of going under?

jaunte1/07/2014 9:04:48 pm PST

HAARP, shut down in early May 2013:

Meanwhile, [HAARP’s program manager, Dr James] Keeney said, no one is on site at HAARP anymore. Access roads are blocked, buildings are chained, and the power turned off. HAARP’s website through the University of Alaska no longer is available; Keeney said the program can’t afford to pay for the service.

As things stand, the Air Force has possession of the facility, but if no other agency steps forward to take over HAARP, the facility will be dismantled. Like any researcher whose project has died from lack of funding, Keeney sounds regretful. He quipped in his press release:

If I actually could affect the weather, I’d keep it open.