
Donte Stallworth on Climate Change and Vaccines

A Mom Anon9/06/2014 9:37:28 am PDT

re: #13 HappyWarrior

I could rant for days about this shit. What these scared stupid people don’t seem to understand is that if it weren’t for the rest of us being vaccinated their precious little Tiffany or Duncan wouldn’t have any immunity to anything. The little outbreaks we’re seeing in isolated areas would be a picnic with rainbow ponies compared to what would happen if vaccines were banned.

I blame Oprah and Jenny McCarthy in large part for this latest wave of bullshit. Oprah for giving the nitwit McCarthy a platform to sell her fucking book and making her some sort of Mom Spokesmodel for the anti-vaccine movement. I knew the second I read that book she was full of shit, it’s too bad a lot of other people didn’t too. She used her son’s autism(which, wonder of wonders wasn’t really autism, but a seizure disorder that halted his development. Once that was under control he caught up and was magically “cured”) to re-launch her career and make money off putting her name on false cures. I loathe her and she’s never really had a consequence for the damage she’s caused.

I’m afraid this movement of stupid has already taken hold. It would be nice if Our Idiot Media wouldn’t give these people the time of day. So thanks Arianna, for this buffoon and Andrew Breitbart, and the other stinking turds you’ve left behind on your way to the bank, thanks SOOO much. (((grrr)))