
Video: Violinist Lara St. John Shreds Armenian Folk Tunes

teleskiguy5/11/2016 12:37:46 am PDT

re: #23 Blind Frog Belly White

I’ve responded to a half dozen Bernie hanger-ons in my Facebook tonight in re: West Virginia. I’m pleased to say I haven’t been un-friended and they haven’t said a word to me.

Out of that group, maybe one of them has come out as a Hillary supporter.

Hell, I haven’t *outright* come out as a Hillary supporter with the YouFaceSpaceTwit stuff. But, I have told a handful of folks *face-to-face* that I will support Hillary in the general.

One guy told me I was brainwashed. This was last weekend in Vegas. I laughed in his face. We talked some more, he thought Ted Cruz was going to shrink government, I said Ted Cruz was a religious fanatic. He didn’t believe me. He also said that health care was a privilege not a right (at about four in the morning).

Nice enough guy, saw him at the #umphreys shows.

A couple who was hosting this fucking prick came up to me and thanked me for exposing this dude for what he was, a heartless scumbag. “It’s good to hear it straight from their mouths,” I said.

Landon, was the dude’s name. I even brought up vaccines and he said “it’s not the government’s job to tell you to vaccinate your children.”

Don’t ask how I ended up talking to a hard core libertarian after an #umphreys show in Vegas. That’s just how shit goes down.