
And Now, an Awesome Live Performance From Esperanza Spalding on Prairie Home Companion: "Good Lava"

Timothy Watson3/04/2017 2:36:06 pm PST

re: #19 Blind Frog Belly White

You can only go so long making movies about a man who doesn’t age, starring the same actor.

BTW, nobody’s ever explained how Professor X survived Last Stand.

From Wiki:

In an after-credits scene, Xavier speaks to Moira McTaggert through the body of a comatose man, implying that his consciousness survived by transferring itself into the body (an action that Xavier had discussed at the beginning of the film as part of an ethics class, the question being if it would be ethically right for a mutant like himself to attempt such a transference, noting that the man in question was virtually brain-dead).

On the DVD Commentary, it is revealed that the body on Muir Island was a “P. Xavier”. One of the writers noted that this is an original twin brother, written for the scene, who was born braindead (due to Professor X’s amount of power). This brother can apparently walk but due to being in coma for a long time and braindead since birth, the brother is alluded to be in a restricted movement. This is an example of a comic book death; this scene was not in the script but was secretly added during filming.[1] Additionally, there is nothing in the film to suggest that the Juggernaut is related to Xavier, other than perhaps a shared British nationality.