
John Oliver on the Dangerous Posers Climbing Mount Everest in Droves [VIDEO]

Scottish Dragon6/24/2019 11:31:24 am PDT

re: #20 DangerMan

Trump could sue in federal court alleging that non-citizens voted and the election should be thrown out. However, the presidential electors have to meet in their respective state capitals on Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, to formally cast their electoral votes. In theory, between Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020) and the day the electors meet, there could be a new election. However, in that short window, a judge would first have to throw out the election, then a new election would have to be scheduled and carried out. That is effectively impossible in less than 6 weeks. In states where the Republicans control the trifecta, the state legislature could quick-like-a-bunny pass a law allowing the state legislature to choose the electors. In other states that Trump lost, his strategy might be to try to prevent any electors from being chosen in order to get the Democrat below 270 electoral votes, thus forcing the election into the House.

The next key date is Jan. 3, 2021. That is when a joint session of Congress will open and count the electoral votes. If at least one senator and one representative of the newly elected Congress object, each chamber will then deliberate on what to do next. If they come back and reject the electoral votes of one or more states and no candidate reaches the mandatory 270, the House picks the president from among the top three electoral vote getters, with each state getting one vote. Even if the Democrats keep control of the House, Republicans will almost certainly control more state delegations. Then the Senate picks the vice president from among the top two finishers for that office.

So he would win the House since each delegation only gets one vote, and the Senate picks whomever.

Yes, he can steal the election even if it is utter runaway landslide. This is also the scenario that could literally break the country apart, with states like California refusing to recognize Trump is lawful President and National Guard being called to use force on millions of protestors. This way lies madness.

If it goes down this way, Civil War 2.0 is a very real possibility.