
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

Yeah Sure WhatEVs5/08/2020 3:54:37 am PDT

re: #3 goddamnedfrank

When this pandemic is over, let’s avoid the partisan blame game, Mitch Daniels writes

There’s a comment at that WaPo piece by Mitch Daniels that’s really good. I felt the need to share.

Where shall we start? Making fun of a handicapped journalist? Grabbing female parts? Asking Putin for help on video?

I blame you for abandoning what conservatives used to think our government and way of life meant by backing this horrible man.

I blame you for refusing to actually hold an impeachment trial.

I blame you for letting Mitch withhold a vote for Obama’s SCOTUS nomination because there was “only” a year and a half left of the 4 years the American voters awarded him.

I blame you for trying to scuttle, hamstring and end ACA without a single serious conversation of what might replace it.

I blame you for not even blinking when he told state governors they were on their own for PPEs and other medical supplies and then you allowed Kushner to seize them when they do.

I blame you for hearing him say clearly that only governors who begged and flattered him would get help.

I blame you for allowing him to whip up a white nationalist, anti government civil war from cold to hot over the last four years.

If he manages to perform a full on coup and not allow or honor a real election in November I will blame you all for that.

Mostly I blame you for non scientific, self serving swill like this “herd immunity” in Sweden nonsense. I blame you for pretending that our economy will magically heal itself when people are still afraid for their jobs and their health, there are roving shortages of common supplies and foods, hospitals and morgues are over run, workers are infecting each other on the job site and getting nothing but blame from your kind; for pretending all of this is fine as long as you can just push everyone off of unemployment and food stamps as quickly as possible while you bail out big business and give tax cuts to the rich and those who are still employed and healthy for now can go to the damn beach and get a hair cut.

You are all vile excuses for human beings without a shred of ethic or real morality and I spit on you.