
Mind-Blowing New Video From UK Band Black Midi: "Slow"

Hecuba's daughter5/02/2021 12:44:50 am PDT

So the Post, the Times, and NBC retracted stories about Giuliani being notified about being a target of a Russian influence operation. Sigh.

I am feeling really down about this. In one sense what’s happening politically in the U.S. reminds me of Scalia’s death in 2016. I recall being ecstatic then that Obama would get to appoint a justice, that for the first time in almost 45 years SCOTUS would be run by justices appointed by Democrats and the future was looking brighter. As we all know, this hope was dashed by McConnell. I keep fearing that, unless the For the People Act is passed, the Biden election will turn out to be a temporary bright spot to be replaced by a Republican resurgence that will immerse us into a bleak future for decades to come.