
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈4/17/2022 8:22:03 pm PDT

My tax returns got rejected because the IRS is confused about my AGI from last year. I know what it is, and Turbotax knows what it is, but the IRS doesn’t seem to.

I tried to see what they think it is, but after about an hour of struggling with getting their ID site to recognize me, it became obvious that it was never going to work.

My printer refuses to print in black and white because it’s out of black photo ink, despite having plenty of regular black ink, so I won’t be printing them to mail either.

My depression tells me to just go renegade and not worry about pain in the ass government bullshit, but that probably leads to wearing horns at the next attack on DC, so I’ll deal with this tomorrow.