
A Tour De Force From Laura Marling: "Strange" (fka "The Simple Life") - Guild Guitars Session

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n 😷 Trips1/01/2024 9:35:28 pm PST

Now You Can Get Their Home Numbers, Too. NJ ‘Seinfeld Bill’ Becomes Law

It was a 15-second interaction Jerry had during a season 4 episode of “Seinfeld” that inspired a New Jersey proposal to limit telemarketers. And now the so-called “Seinfeld Bill” has become law.

Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, signed the legislation Monday. It requires telemarketers to, within 30 seconds of the call, identify themselves by name and provide the name and number of the person on whose behalf it is being made. They also have to declare the purpose of that call within that initial half-minute.

It also mandates that telemarketers display their mailing address on any website they own and operate, as well as the address of any business they represent on calls.

And for those frustrated by the timing of said calls, there’s good news. Unsolicited telemarketing calls are banned between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m., local time, at the customer’s location, under the bill.