
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

Honorary Yooper5/04/2009 10:04:49 am PDT

re: #24 Cato

Just as Reagan came from the great state of California, so will the Democratic chastening come. There are a variety of propositions meant to cause California to continue its unsustainable spending. Those propositions will fail.

It will dawn on the Democrats that when a state like California becomes more fiscally conservative, maybe it should too. It only requires a couple of Democrats to reach that realization to block the insane social inititatives proposed by this administration.

However, with Waxman, Feinstein, and Pelosi, I doubt such guidence will come out of California any time soon. I see hard times ahead for all unless some folks wake up to the realization that you can’t spend your way out of problems.