
Glenn Beck: Materialist, Sodomy Supporter

boredtechindenver8/19/2010 1:09:44 am PDT

Too few comments to go OT, but this is the crowd I told about putting in an offer. It seems the owners need to net too much on the retro house, with the ugly bathrooms, and I think it would cost too much to update them to something that would both match the house and be pleasing to use.

Back to searching. I also plugged in my BILs price point (even went high) and found some amazing places in areas I didn’t know existed in the middle of the city. For 850 K, you can get a 1920s mansion smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood where the next highest house is about 250K. It looks like it was the house built for the person who had the land last before subdivision. Man i wish my bonus was a lot bigger. I would hate to think what that house in the Bay area would cost. I may have to go for this.