
WikiLeaks, Morgan Tsvangirai and the Guardian – an explanation

Usually refered to as anyways1/14/2011 12:02:31 pm PST

re: #26 Obdicut


You didn’t say some of the blame, or most of the blame, but ‘this is where the blame lies’.

Are you going to bother explaining this statement?
“I will be presumptuous here, Manning didn’t seem to agree.”

I not sure why that wasn’t clear to you.

You said:
“The place for a place ‘like’ wikileaks is where it always has been— with responsible journalists.”

I replied:
“I will be presumptuous here, Manning didn’t seem to agree.”

Manning didn’t choose the traditional media, he chose wikileaks.

As to where the blame lies, as I said, the Guardian published the cable, they pulled the trigger.

The US Govt had the cable, they didn’t look after it, they are addressing that.
I don’t believe Manning still has that cable.
wikileaks does have the cable, wasn’t the first to publish it but was the one receiving the flack over the information becoming ‘public knowledge’.

The Guardian did publish the cable willingly.
Is there is any fallout, to me it should be laid at their feet.

Imagine its a burglary.

Person A, leaves the plans to Fort Knox on his desk.
Person B, steals a copy of the plans to Fort Knox then gives then to Person C
Person C wants part of the proceeds but isn’t willing to do the job himself so he does some deal with Person D and stays home.
Person D robs Fort Knox, and in the process kills a guard.

Want to hand down some sentences for me?