
Onion: Congress Forgets How to Pass Laws

Birth Control Works2/07/2011 6:04:26 pm PST

re: #23 ProLifeLiberal

I had a very interesting conversation with a professor today. We were talking about religion (One-on-one meeting), and I mentioned the recent conversion I had. He, without any previous mention of my religious background, said that I was probably a Southern Baptist before. He then explained his reasoning of what must happened to cause me to go from one to the other (there were other roads aside from the issue with the Trinity I had). While that was a cool conversation, it did raise a few questions. I’m beginning to wonder how many others like me there are after that conversation. I would love to hear thoughts about this.

The professor is a High-Church Episcopal for the record.

I didn’t know about your conversion. What do you mean by “others like me”? I know very little about Southern Baptists.