
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Throws Her Tinfoil Hat in the Ring

BishopX3/24/2011 11:27:31 am PDT

re: #8 SanFranciscoZionist

Seriously, if you’re gonna run, isn’t it time to run already? It’s late March of 2011.

I think republicans are making a strategic decision for a short campain season. They want this election to be a referendum on Obama, not on their own guy. So they’re going to rush the primary season and then turn up the rhetoric during the general election and hope that Obama’s negatives will carry the independents while the crazy carries the base.

The scary thing is that this might work. If the economy continues to stagnate and the tea party remains strong Obama is going to have problems. A short campaign season won’t give him enough time to show off just how crazy his opponent is.