
Right Wing Media Fall for 'Paul Krugman' Impersonator

Martinsmithy8/24/2011 11:21:05 am PDT
Williamson got closest to the truth: It was a joke. The Google+ account was a hoax created by 2010 college grad Carlos Graterol, to make fun of the “many misguided beliefs that Paul Krugman holds, defends, and espouses on a daily basis.”

Actually, Paul Krugman does have a lot of misguided views regarding economics, IMHO. In his own way he is as predictable and erroneous as Milton Friedman ever was - the truth of economics lies in between these two gentlemen.

One area where Krugman definitely departs of left-wing orthodoxy is in his championing of free trade agreements between sovereign nations, a concept which the economically illiterate left refuses to countenance.

All that being said, creating a hoax Krugman site is NOT an effective way of countering his arguments!