
By semi-popular demand: I'm Curious to why any Jew (or the Israeli state!) Would Cozy up to Evangelical Christians.

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/06/2011 4:36:06 pm PST

re: #10 Buck

Not all evangelical Christians have anything like that desire, certainly. Likewise, not all Catholics actually believe abortion should be illegal. However, the position of those churches on the subject are, unforatuately, firm.

In addition, Ausodor made it clear he was talking about fringe Evangelicals, in terms of the people who are actually emotionally invested in this.

Still, though they may not engage with it, the actual teachings of the churches on the subject of the apocalypse all do involve the Jews being betrayed by the anti-christ and then dying terribly— along with a hell of lot of the earth. Most Jews will be consigned to hell or oblivion. While I think for many good-hearted evangelicals, if they even bring themselves to think about this facet of religion, this is a matter of sadness rather than joy, it is still a part of their religion.

Similarly, if someone believes homosexuality is a sin that will send unrepentant homosexuals to hell, they may be full of sorrow and grief at that, but it it is still a bigoted position and a gay person would be a fool to ‘cozy up’ to anyone holding that view.

Do you understand?