
Video: Univision Examines Romney's Mexican Roots

wrenchwench1/10/2012 3:19:50 pm PST

Julian LeBaron speaks in the video above. This is his late brother, Benjamin LeBaron.

And this is an opinion piece from 2010 in the Dallas Morning News by Julian LeBaron.

I call upon those who cultivate the land; those who care for animals; those who work in commerce, mines and construction. I call upon those who labor in our industries, those who care for our children, and to all who live honestly but have almost stopped dreaming because they feel defeated by a system that does not make good our efforts.

I am petitioning those who are victims of murder, kidnapping or extortion - by people who force the involuntary sacrifice of our good, so they can live further entrenched in their evil and ruin the lives of those who know how to live, for the benefit of parasites who do not.

In my state of Chihuahua and throughout Mexico, innumerable lives have been devastated by the loss of freedom and respect that are the right of every human. A system that does not respect the life, property and conscience of the individual is a system of criminals. A society ruled by men, and not by law, is a society of vultures and cannibals who feed on desolation.

I petition all who resent laws that forbid self-defense but cannot enforce justice, because I, Julian LeBaron, have had the outrageous experience of being chased at high speed by murderers who wore ski masks and were heavily armed. When my vehicle ramped a bridge at 70 mph, I stalled in the middle of the town of Ignacio Zaragoza. In a residential area, in view of many too afraid to help, I was severely beaten with machine guns. In the presence of my wife and children, they threatened to kidnap me, terrorizing my family. Innocent people suffer humiliation continually.


I think this is part of the resentment toward Mitt Romney. His relatives could really use some help down there, and all he does is talk about illegal aliens.