
Santorum Denounces Planned Parenthood Bombing, While Continuing Incitement

Lidane4/02/2012 11:42:33 am PDT

Oh, this should be fun:

Permitted handguns will be allowed in RNC’s ‘clean zone’

Hoping to head off violent protesters during the Republican National Convention, Mayor Bob Buckhorn has proposed a litany of items that will be considered security threats during the week-long event.

The list runs from air pistols to water pistols and also includes items such as masks, plastic or metal pipe and string more than six inches long.

Conspicuously absent from the list of potential weapons: Firearms.

That’s because state law bans local governments from placing any restrictions on the carrying of guns in public spaces.

“If we’d tried to regulate guns, it wouldn’t have worked,” said City Attorney Jim Shimberg.

Mauricio Rodriguez, the assistant city attorney who wrote the ordinance, said early drafts included limits on handguns – until someone mentioned Chapter 790 of Florida Statutes.

“Any local ordinance that regulates guns is void,” Shimberg said last week.

Guns will be banned from the security zone the Secret Service will set up around the convention site, Shimberg said.

But outside that perimeter, in the area Buckhorn as labeled “the clean zone,” state gun laws will prevail.