
Ecuador grants Wikileaks founder asylum

Destro8/16/2012 10:13:53 am PDT

re: #26 dragonath

Mugabe is a despot, and a total asshole. The violent expropriation of land and dispossesion of whites in that country is well documented. Gay citizens are beaten and homosexual acts are criminalized. Opposition parties are routinely harrassed.

And from Amnesty International:

Yes, Mugabe is a tyrant (that was knighted by the Queen no less) but the white settlers who disposed the native Zimbabweans are not the solution either. Rhodesia’s tyranny helped set up the Mugabe tyranny just like the Czar’s tyranny helped set up Stalin’s. But I always find it odd that out of nowhere he inserted a rant about Zimbabwe - what does that have to do with Assange? Must be deep in his mind to go off topic like that.