
Sarah Palin Co-Opts MLK to Attack President Obama, Commenters Spew Racism

Dark_Falcon1/20/2014 4:02:46 pm PST

re: #261 Justanotherhuman

“Islamist” connotes a negative image of Muslims as bomb-throwing radicals. It has become a pejorative in most circles.

It doesn’t matter about one’s race, sex, religion or politics—call people what they are—if they’re dangerous radicals who don’t mind stooping to violence, say so, but don’t use a broad brush to taint others who may share the same characteristics of race, sex, religion or politics.

I have always distinguished between Muslims and Islamists, with the latter referring to those who buy into one of the tyrannical interpretations of Islam. I’ve never conflated the majority of Muslims with the extremists.