
The Bob & Chez Show: No Puppet No Puppet

Interesting Times10/26/2016 10:57:51 am PDT

Re Florida Senate race - who knows, this just might work:

That’s why, according to Politico, none other than Harry Reid is pressuring Schumer to find a way to get back in the game in Florida—and the easiest and simplest way is for Schumer to send some of his own campaign funds to the DSCC, which can in turn then deploy them on behalf of Murphy.

We can add our voices to that call. Schumer is a lock for re-election in dark blue New York, so he can certainly afford to part with a good portion of his campaign cash. Here’s how you can encourage him—politely—to do the right thing:

- Tweet at his campaign Twitter account, @ChuckSchumer, with the hashtag #RetireRubio.

- Drop a comment on his Facebook page.

- Email his campaign at

You should use your own words, but our message is a simple one: “Please send money to the DSCC to help Patrick Murphy end Marco Rubio’s political career.” And there’s more than just the Senate at stake: If Rubio wins re-election, he’d be a frontrunner to challenge Hillary Clinton in 2020. If he loses, he’s kaput. Chuck Schumer can help drive a stake into Rubio’s ambitions once and for all.