
Trump Abruptly Cuts Off Interview After Saying About His Obama "Wiretap" Claims: "I Don't Stand by Anything"

Blind Frog Belly White5/01/2017 3:20:51 pm PDT

re: #247 lawhawk

re: #250 Eclectic Cyborg

re: #253 calochortus

re: #257 wrenchwench

The thing is, they see insurance run by GOVERNMENT as inherently redistributive.

ALL insurance, or course, is redistributive, from those who DON’T make claims to those who DO. But they get stuck on the idea that it’s government doing it, and not a for-profit business.

WRT the idea that those with preexisting conditions bring it on themselves, when Mrs. FBW was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 12 years ago, she asked me what she’d done wrong? Was it too much fatty food as a teenager? Not enough exercise as a grown up?

I told her what she’d done that led to this was just to live. That’s all MOST people with preexisting conditions do - they live.

Me? Well apparently I chose my parents badly. I ended up with hypertension, like Mom. Like my brother who has eaten healthy crap for decades, who is slender as a reed, who walks miles a day.

The other brother? The one who never exercises, eats crappy food and drinks coffee like it was water? He didn’t get hypertension.