
Julian Lage: "We'll Meet Again" by Vera Lynn

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))5/07/2020 10:38:41 am PDT

re: #262 lawhawk

But for Trump’s complete and total mishandling of this crisis we would not have had an economic collapse or the death toll. Had he engaged in a competent handling of the pandemic, we would not have seen a massive collapse of the economy, widespread shutdowns, and 75,000+ dead.

Some serious economic impact and a certain death toll were inevitable.

But Trump’s tunnel vision only saw any economic downturn as a threat to his re-election and failed to recognize (or recognized too late) that people will rally around a strong leader in times of crisis.

Because he has no concept of leadership nor does he have the resources to let others implement it in his name. Now he is trying to turn it into a wartime scenario, because that is something that he can wrap his brain around.