
Chinese Ships Harass US Navy Vessel

zombie3/09/2009 11:49:25 am PDT

I’ve been updating the Mohammed Image Archive recently, and just added an image that is sure to earn me a double-fatwa — from the Muslims and the Scientologists!

The picture in question is here (close-up version here), with the caption,

“This picture from a Scientology book for volunteer ministers is quite similar to the Confutopia image (seen above); both show Mohammed as one among several famous spiritual leaders throughout history. In this picture, a Scientologist (on the left) towers over (in order, left to right) Mohammed, Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Zoroaster, Moses and Abraham. (The last figure is not named, but may be Adam.) Higher level Scientology materials explain how Scientology is superior to all other religions (including Islam), because they are nothing more than “engrams” falsely implanted in our minds.

My goal was to get the Scientologists and the Muslims at each other’s throats (a win-win situation for humanity), but I think instead they may team up and have Xenu issue a fatwa and a lawsuit on me for violating religious sensibilities and copyright. They’ll also be furious because I’m revealing information that the trainees are not supposed to get until they move up ($$$) to a higher Dianetics level. Hopefully, the Muslims will be mad that their “final prophet” is shown to be inferior to and supplanted by the Scientology dude.

(The “secret” image was sent to me be a Scientology apostate living in Japan, of all places.)