
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Kenneth4/08/2009 10:17:15 am PDT

A telling quote from Spencer,

White supremacist neo-Nazis who are pro-Israel are fantastical beasties who live only in the minds of bloggers who think that if two people pose for a picture together, or appear at the same event, or are tabbed to be in the same film, or what have you, they must therefore agree on all positions down to the last detail. It’s ridiculous that anyone would take such “analysis” seriously…

In any case, this little Canadian hate party has a lengthy list of links on its site— a peculiar amalgam of mainstream and generally benign sites (CBS News, CNN, Fox News, National Review), some controversial sites, and many leftist sites, jihadist sites, neo-Nazi sites, and racist sites. …Brussels Journal and Vlaams Blok are linked, which must mean they’re neo-Nazis, right? Well, also linked is that burgeoning little hate site, Little Green Footballs.

So Spencer can appear the same events with european neo-nazis and even get his picture taken with them, but not share their ideologies. However, LGF, by virtue of being included on a link list, without Charles Johnson’s knowledge or permission, is a “hate site”?