
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/21/2009 7:25:10 pm PDT

re: #269 LudwigVanQuixote

Fine Bagua take it elsewhere,

I do not care to see hours of work typing science eaten by your interjections. This is not about you.

That is just the problem Ludwig, your hours of typing are not “eaten” by the corrections I propose, and much of your time typing is insults, grievance and red herrings, not science.

If you focused on the actual points I made instead of launching off into the ether and being so quick to anger and lash out, we could make some progress.

I know you believe science is about the message, the intentions, beliefs and morals of the scientist, I believe Science is about details, facts and accuracy. Fake but accurate does not cut it for me.