
Gallup: Americans Don't Think Obama Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize

Guanxi8810/25/2009 1:55:33 pm PDT

re: #267 Bloodnok

Wow. I was expecting a much different turnout. Glad you were safe (terrified, but safe).

Yeah, I gotta say, it didn’t go the way I thought it would, either. Guess nobody’s as good as we hope, or as bad as we fear. That’s what I learned from it.

Taking the pedestrian bridge in the same area (a dangerous shortcut over to Huntington ave) passed a guy who asked for change.

Sorry, got no change.

“If you got bills, I can make change.”

Clever trick, made me pause. Then I see the butt of a gun in his waistband.

Wants my wallet, which I hand over. It’s empty, as he notes with disgust before throwing it back at me.

he opens my briefcase - a two-day old copy of the Herald and an empty thermos.

“you got anything?”

I show him my crappy seiko watch, and he just sorta laughs a bit.

Guy just looks at me for a bit.

“you smoke?”

Yes, but I’m out.

“Course you are.” He opens his pack, pulls one for himself, shakes another one at me, lights up his, and then puts flame to my cig.

“If I EVER catch your broke ass here again, I ain’t letting you go. You understand?”


“okay, get outta here.”

Weirdest and scariest encounter EVER in that neighborhood (this was in ‘92).