
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/05/2010 3:16:50 pm PST

re: #266 sattv4u2

1)the 2nd board I was on had 2 (out of 7 members) who are atheists in a very strongly religious southern enclave


2) you stated that adding home teachings to your child abdicates the schools responsibility. Actually, it makes the school accountable

No, it doesn’t. You were using it as a way to say if the school is teaching something is wrong, just teach them what’s right at home. The bit about a parent-teacher confrontation is not a necessary output of that, either.

3) VOUCHERS,,, if I were to move out of town, or state, or die they wouldn’t get my property taxes then. People move and die all the time and it hasn’;t killed public schools.

If you moved to somewhere else, you’d be paying your taxes into another system. That is a completely irrelevant point.

4) so because “moving is a hassle” you stay no matter what? You really wnat to stick with that !?!?!

Please show where I said I’d stay no matter what. Since I didn’t, and you just made that up, you won’t be able to.

For an example that may help you think this through, gays are not leaving San Francisco to go to Iowa, even though gay marriage is illegal here and legal in Iowa.