
Tonight's Creationist Message from 'Sarah Palin'

Gus1/07/2010 10:05:34 pm PST

re: #267 Charles

Yes, they’re angry at Sarah Palin — she bailed on CPAC because she’s in a personal spat with the organizers, but she’s going to speak at another conference because she’s getting paid a lot of money for it.

None of them are the least bit concerned about having the John Birch Society there, however.

Ah, so I imagine the spat was about money. She’ll word it to make it based on some principle or another.

Yes, no criticism of the John Birch Society based on principle. It trickles down in the form of political arguments. The latter day William F. Buckley is out and anti-intellectualism.

Time to bash the intelligentsia and paint them all as being on the left. Go even further and blame all of societies ills on intellectuals. Don’t think, just react and say no to everything; someone says yellow, and you’re supposed to say green.