
A Banner Week for Right Wing Xenophobia

Aceofwhat?4/30/2010 11:49:53 am PDT

re: #258 ~Fianna

Exactly. To think that ANYONE learning a second language is somehow going to magically develop a native accent is insane.

See, a lot of these kids are on their 3rd language (Mexicans who immigrate illegally are not usually native Spanish speakers from Mexico City. They speak rural dialects or indigenous languages.).

They’re still going back home to a non-English speaking community and will grow up bilingual, but with accents. What this law is telling these kids is that their accent is bad and wrong and that’s a terrible thing to do to a kid.

huh? I speak French with a slight Brussels twang because i moved there early enough. Kids, pre-puberty, can pick up the native accent flawlessly.

they’ll grow up bilingual, with no accent, unless accented teachers are enough of an influence to lend them an accent.

i honestly don’t know the answer to that. but your comment as written is incorrect.