
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/03/2012 5:02:06 am PDT

It’s always the punch-line that tells the story:

Letter to the Editor: Charged politicalissue

By Suzanne Vincent, Broken Arrow
Published: 4/3/20123:25 AM
Last Modified: 4/3/20123:25 AM

As a science professor at Oral Roberts University, I am aware of the controversy about climate change. For more than 25 years, scientists have argued about the greenhouse effect or global warming. [wrong]

The pioneer of comparative physiology, Knut Schmidt-Nielsen of Duke University, who died in 2007, pointed out that at a higher temperature caused by increased carbon dioxide due to burning fossil fuels the atmosphere would hold more water vapor and cause more clouds. This would reflect more solar radiation and reduce temperature. [inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant]

Schmidt-Nielsen concluded in the last edition of his animal physiology textbook, “The complexity of these relationships make predictions about the greenhouse effect of increased carbon dioxide highly uncertain.” Schmidt- Nielsen referenced articles published in “Science and Nature” and “The Greenhouse Effect,” “Climate Change” and “Ecosystems” to support his conclusion. [a very long appeal to authority]

Biologists are aware that plants use CO2 with solar energy to make sugar by photosynthesis. Sugar does no good for plants without oxidizing it to make ATP, producing CO2 as a byproduct.

Both animals and plants produce CO2 when they make ATP. Furthermore, air contains only .03 percent CO2; most air is nitrogen and oxygen. [confusing miscellaneous facts without an argument]

Concluding that CO2 is the sole cause [false portrayal of the claim] of climate warming is erroneous, because temperature variations are due to many factors like a decline in recent ice age effects [wrong], sun storms [wrong] and other causes [an indefinite infinite list.] It is a highly charged political issue. [finally, the statement of the assertion] Accepting environmental constraints placed by global [HOTBUTTON] governance could lead to the United States’ loss of sovereignty over its natural resources.

Always, it’s the last item. After obfuscating with a running dialogue of miscellaneous, irrelevant facts combined with fallacies, the real story comes out.

This is America.