
Final Presidential Debate 2012, Thread Three, the Wrap-Up

Targetpractice10/22/2012 9:51:39 pm PDT

re: #245 ggt

Much of Wingnutia is so ignorant about the world, they’ll believe whatever they are told.

A former co-worker told me long after 9/11 that “of course, they celebrate Christmas

. Christ was born there.” I pointed out that it was basically illegal to be Christian in some of the countries “over there” and she was shocked. SHOCKED.

Think more than a few would have their eyes spin like wheels in a slot machine if you told them that Jesus gets more mention by name in the Quran (25 times) than Mohammed (4 times). But then again, they’d probably also start foaming at the mouth if you told them Islam considers Jesus to just be a man and that he is not considered the son of God.