
Obama Says He's "Constrained" by the Constitution, Right Wing Bloggers Rave Like Loons

Rightwingconspirator4/04/2013 3:40:02 pm PDT

re: #267 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

But only some of the things are actually designed to be weapons. I don’t get why this is hard for you to either simply admit or comprehend. .

This is not a comprehension or admission issue. It’s a moment when I straight out disagree with your point as put. I fully admit guns are weapons when used in terms of actual violence.

I just refuse to agree with you that a gun is a defacto 24/7 weapon. What I object to is the deliberate characterization of a gun built and bought for use in sport as a weapon. That is just an effort to shade the argument with violence in broad hypothetical terms when really it’s just accurate in terms of actual violence. That’s IMHO.

Again, we are not required to need a gun. We are allowed to want it and use it within the law. That might be the single thing you should try to accept.

Now my reading tells me the odds of a mishap in my home is about one in a million, maybe twice that allowing for the numbers of less trained and violent people out there. I have no problem with my gun ownership and those numbers. Neither does my wife. This is our choice. You would choose otherwise. Well fine, good for both of us. You choose for you and we chose for ourselves. There is no irresponsible person here. We understand what we have.