
Gingrich Now Blames MSNBC for Right Wing Backlash Over Mandela

Birth Control Works12/09/2013 3:54:14 pm PST

re: #268 GeneJockey

I used to separate mine by color so that I would take more time in eating them. Left to my own devices, I can - and have - eaten a 1lb bag of M&Ms in a single night. So, I used to get one of the little packages, pour it out on the table, separate them by colors, and eat each color in more or less random order. Otherwise, I’d just tip the thing into my mouth and eat them all in about 3 bites.

Somebody saw me doing this and asked if I had OCD. I don’t think they believed me when I said no.

Red comes first
Orange is next then,
Violet is last