
Breaking: Australia Says Possible Objects From MH370 Sighted in Indian Ocean

chadu3/20/2014 7:00:46 am PDT

re: #228 HappyWarrior

Looks better on this.
Image: 434px-Statue_of_Liberty_7.jpg
Anyhow the gun fucking photo memes just amuse me. Buzzfeed had a good spoof not long ago, they replaced the attractive women in food ads with attractive men and you saw just how silly it is. If you replaced that blonde in your latest with a dude wearing a t-shirt and short shorts, it would be apparent to even the biggest wingnut gunfucker how stupid these hot women with gun photos are.

But that would only attract ghey men, since wimmins don’t get horny through the eyeballz like min do! Zat’s SKIENCE!