
Dumbest Man on Internet Freaks Out Over "SHOCK VIDEO" That Isn't the Least Bit Shocking

EPR-radar10/24/2014 5:15:46 pm PDT

re: #264 PT Barnum

LVQ left? Wow. I was kind of expecting Kilgore, as he was getting a bit loopy at the last, but I don’t think I saw LVQ make the final dismount.

I’ve been busy with work, being sick for 6 months with an auto-immune thing a SkyRim addiction that took time to kick, and then rediscovering D&D and starting to write adventures again.

LVQ indulged in his habit of turning the abrasiveness up to 12 against fellow commenters for no good reason once too often. It was over the burning political issue of weight loss, hard as that may be to believe.