
Yet Another Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech and Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

EPR-radar3/12/2015 6:12:52 pm PDT

re: #260 Eclectic Cyborg

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The gates to the LGF fortress are sealed. Hit us with your best shot!

Some troll repellant from the inimitable

Because at long last is just a silly, masturbatory waste of time to continue to pretend that raking the coals of wingnut arson will yield any useful results.

So stop it, Liberal media. Please just stop it.

Because for far too long to pretend otherwise, the Conservatives in this country have amounted to nothing but a mob of vicious, ignorant asshole holding a gun to the head of my country and baying the same angry, incoherent gibberish that Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh has been shitting into their skulls for years. And trying to address their movement as if it were anything other than a form of madness to be contained and exorcised from the body politic is as pointless as debating pod bay doors with HAL.

I am not remotely interested in their backstory and motives or carefully parsing “what evidence they marshal”. Instead, I am intensely and exclusively interested in getting the gun out of their hand, and care about the tenets and internal “logic” of their lunatic cult only to the extent that I might be able to ransack it for some useful means of putting their movement down like the dangerous, rabid beast it is.