
The Littlest Republicans Debate

Unabogie8/16/2015 10:28:58 am PDT

re: #265 Dark_Falcon

First, take your threat and deposit it in the waste bin.

Second, you misunderstand me. I think political correctness can sometimes get in the way of the truth being told. I actually work pretty hard to avoid demeaning others on the basis of race, gender, or sexual orientation. But sometimes one finds one’s self in a situation where one has to be politically incorrect in order to say something important that needs to be said. But those times are not most times.

Look, I’m fairly new here, but for people who think PC is something that keeps you from saying something “important”, you may want to try a simple mental exercise. Shut up. Listen. Think. Listen some more. Think some more.

In the end, I find that every time my knee-jerk reaction is to dismiss someone as being irrational, if I really try to hear what they’re saying, I find that there’s something for me to learn about it.

“All lives matter” is a knee-jerk reaction. When you stop and listen, you realize how offensive it is to say that.

“Forced busing” is also offensive. It’s saying that putting white kids in schools with black kids is an affront. It’s an aggression. It hurts the white kids. If you weren’t white, and you were a kid in school, how would that make you feel?