
WATCH LIVE: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Testifies at House Committee Hearing

A Three Hour Tour8/24/2020 12:24:20 pm PDT

re: #249 piratedan

to be honest, whatever the Falwell’s do in the bedroom is their affair (unless it involves minors). What bothers me the most is the rank hypocrisy. I don’t have an issue if you want to promote a more “traditional” lifestyle as a moral and ethical choice; its just when you eschew those tenets that you promote in a society, in your personal life and they’re exposed; you get to reap the repercussions.

Taunting them for their kink seems like weak tea, the setting yourself up as an example of how to live by a certain moral/ethical code and failing that spectacularly should shame them off the public stage and from having any kind of soapbox to their input being taken seriously. Would much rather they become totally irrelevant and shamble off ignominiously (not that these asshats ever seem to), maybe they can then simply find some happiness instead of shame.

As a person of a divergent sexuality, I don’t want to kinkshame; however, when your public persona and political power are based on the promulgation and enforcement of so-called traditional Christian family values, and when the institution and movement of which you are a prominent face and voice actively denounce and persecute people of divergent sexualities, up to and including seeking to deny them their legal rights, and when your political allies have for the past several years employed the term “cuck” to ridicule, denounce, demean, and humiliate people on my side of the political aisle, the schadenfreude is irresistible.

And I will not feel guilty or apologize for not resisting that temptation.