
Zefrank's True Facts: The Hummingbird Warrior

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/18/2022 10:44:33 am PDT
Former Republican National Committee faith outreach director Chad Connelly announced Monday that using conservative pastors to mobilize Christian voter turnout was such a success in Virginia last year that his group is expanding its “American Restoration Tour” to 16 states for this year’s midterm elections.

Connelly runs an organization called Faith Wins, the purpose of which is “to maximize and activate the Christian vote and influence at every level in the public arena.” He made the announcement about this year’s project on the Truth & Liberty Coalition’s livestream program, which he also used to launch last year’s campaign.

Connelly bragged about the impact his work had on helping place Republican Glenn Youngkin in the Virginia governor’s office in 2021, saying that over the course of the year, his organization held “a couple hundred meetings” in the state and managed to get “312 churches [to] register 77,000 new voters.” On top of that, Connelly said they also trained and “recruited over 1,300 people to be poll watchers.”

“We trained pastors to get Sunday School classes to go to their county election commission,” Connelly said. “It was beautiful, y’all.”


David Barton and Chad Connelly Are Recruiting Pastors for GOTV in Midterms, Hoping to Duplicate 2021 Success in Virginia (Right Wing Watch)