
VULFPECK: "Love Is a Beautiful Thing" (Feat. Monica Martin and Theo Katzman)

lawhawk10/31/2022 5:08:00 am PDT

Saboteurs and obstructionists.

GOP intends to defund govt. Dismantling the IRS defunds the federal government, which disburses hundreds and hundreds of billions - more than a trillion dollars each year.

They don’t care about the consequences, and Cruz is among the worst of the worst. He’s also busy yapping about how DOJ is politicized under Biden.

The blinders are definitely on, and it’s all because they do nothing but spew bulkshit with a firehose. They’re totally rewriting history by ignoring that Trump absolutely and unequivocally politicized the DOJ and FBI - covering up Trump crimes every step of the way all the way up to Barr and Whitaker. Those two actively interfered in ongoing investigations into Trump with purpose to cover up Trump crimes.